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Palm Pre: Top 15 Q&A-解答来自官方,涵盖很多方面


2009-01-12 00:58

来自 sprintpre.net,  其中解答了很多方面的问题。 有参考价值。

Palm Pre is the hottest product at this year’s CES. Palm’s new phone, runningtheir new webOS, is an object of envy and mystery. We were able to ask Palm and Sprint 15 of the top questions about things that weren’trevealed during during the Pre’s announcement. Here are their answers.

1.) How much will the Pre cost?

Palm and Sprint haven’t set the price yet. But analysts hope it will be $199 or $249 with a two-year contract.

售价问题, 199 到 249 刀连 2 年合约价。

2.) What will Pre service plans look like?

The Pre’s data plans will be more like the Samsung Instinct’s plans than any other Sprint phone model, a Sprint rep said.

3.) Will other U.S. carriers get the Pre?

At least 90 days after Sprint does, but maybe as much as 6 months later.

独占销售问题, 3-6 个月之后, 其他米国运营商可以销售。 独占销售期是 90 天。

4.) Will there be other Pre models?

Yes. There will be different models, in different shapes and sizes.According to a tipster, the next Pre may be a lower-cost,candybar-style phone without a QWERTY keyboard.

其他机型, 会有好几个, 不同形状和大小。 紧接的后续机型应该是个便宜些的直板全触摸无键盘机型。

5.) Will there be a GSM Pre?

Yes. Palm is anticipated to announce a GSM/UMTS model for Europe and Asia in mid-February.

GSM 版本问题, 当然会有, 09 年 2 月中在欧洲和亚洲发布。(应该是赶着 MWC 大会(以前的 3GSM 大会)上再炒作一把,heh)
6.) When will foreign carriers get the Pre?
Palm expects to address this at a press conference at Mobile World Congress in mid-February.
同上, 相信不出意外 Vodafone 肯定将是首发, palm 在欧洲亚洲的铁哥们
7.) How do I get my personal info into the Pre?
While the Pre won’t come with desktop software, there will be solution sfor people to get their Palm Desktop or Outlook info, and info fromearlier Treo and Centro models, into the Pre.
pim 等信息迁移问题:  首先, webOS 不再会有也不再需要专用桌面端。 不过, 会给出方案让老 treo,centro 用户把 pim 信息从 palm desktop 或是 outlook 里转移到 Pre 里。
8.) Will the Pre run Palm OS apps?
Not initially, but a third party could write a Palm OS emulator.
传统的 garnet os 程序兼容性问题: 至少 pre 发布不管, 第三方也许会有方案,只要有需求
9.) How do you get music and video onto the Pre?
You can drag and drop it over from your PC using USB mass storage, orbuy songs on the device using a built in Amazon MP3 Store client.
传递影音数据问题:  pre 支持 u 盘模式, 直接复制即可, 或是在线在 amazon 上买(这个和 Android 一样)
10.) What will the app store look like?
I saw it; it has a page of featured apps with star ratings below them. It looks a lot like the Apple app store.
软件商店问题,  palm 为 pre 准备了自己的软件商店(注:名字是 app catalog), 表现形式和水果的 app store 类似(app store,Android 的 app market,长得都差不多)
11.) How about the SDK?
The SDK will be called Mojo, and will have APIs to extend Javascript toaccess hardware features of the device, Palm reps said. There are things you won’t be able to do in the 1.0 SDK, like write directly to the frame buffer. But you’ll be able to access all the core phone databases.
SDK 问题:  SDK 的名字叫 Mojo(更详细信息参见 palm 开发者网站),SDK 会提供各类 api 用以扩展 Javascript 的功能来访问各类硬件特性。也许在乍一发布的 1.0 版本 SDK 里,你还不能直接访问物理缓存等底层,但所有核心数据等都是可以访问的(也意味着,可能和 iphone 类似,将来还会开放更深层次的 sdk)
12.) How does the browser work?
The browser is based on WebKit, like Apple’s Safari. It support sstreaming video in RTSP, H.263 and H.264 formats, but not Flash.However, I’m almost 100 percent sure Palm and Adobe are working on a Flash plug-in right now.
浏览器问题:  浏览器引擎是 Webkit, 支持 RTSP,h264 等流媒体, 一如既往和 safari 和 Chrome lite 一样不支持 flash,heh。 不过, 已经确信 palm 和 adode 在开发合适的 Flash 插件(其实估计不是专门给 palm 开发的,adobe 做好了,至少 Android 上肯定可以用, iphone 上,apple 貌似很不喜欢 flash~~~~)。
13.) Will there be restrictions on apps?
Palm will certify all developers and approve all apps, but only to makesure they work properly. They won’t kill apps for content-relatedreasons like Apple does. Think Android, not iPhone.
第三方应用的限制问题:  palm 会采取验证和批准机制来保证上 app catalog 的程序,不过,没有其他更多因素,只是为了保证上架的程序可以确实正常工作。 绝不会像水果公司那样基于内容或是自己利益的原因去砍掉第三方程序。 这点上,和 Android 上 google 的做法一样, 和 iphone 上苹果的做法差异很大。
14.) Is webOS Linux based?
Yes, but developers won’t get access to the Linux core.
OS 问题: webOS 的确是 linux based。 不过, 不会开放 Linux 核心层给开发者的。
15.) When will we hear more?
At both Mobile World Congress in mid-February and the CTIA trade showin late March—but probably also more often, and sooner, than that.
更多谣传和消息问题:  MWC 和 CTIA,分别将在 2 月中和三月底召开,届时将有更多八卦~~~~敬请期待~~


